Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Starting Point:
Thing that help influence me

Inspiration (Personally and for Project)

a.Love of Character Driven Story and Character Development
b. How each character have to deal with themselves but also other
people, (Inner Conflit vs Outer Conflict)
c. How character change over time and learn some form of life lesson
bases upon mistake
d. And emphasis on defined personalty in characters
e. Simplistc style from Doll Makers
(e.g Doll Flash Maker)
f. examples: Hey Arnold, Doug, As Told By Ginger,Daria

B. Love of City Scapes
a. The way Hey Arnold Showed the beauty of a city
b. Traveling around a lot
c. Love of Hey Arnold and art deco (poster art),which I incorporate geometric forms in everything because of it.
a. ex: Hey Arnold

II. Overtime
I. Overview
{shows Two Charactes}
a.Theresa wants to go on a vacation however her co-worker is determined
to stop her
b. Two Character piece both based upon love to Inner and Outer Conflict
with emphasis on character.
c. ex devil wears prada)
d. Want the audience to root for Theresa (underdog)
e.Two Character Dynamic both play off each other but there is a dominate one.
f. Also to show how to treating others will ultimately have an
effect upon the other. (consquenstion of actions)

III. Future
a. To became an concept/character artist.
b. works for a graphics department developing title sequences or
visual work for eighter films or television

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