Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Brainstorm: For the fellowship, I was thinking in term of what exactly can I do. So I came to the conclusion that I would like a little of everything. What I mean by that is I would love it If i was able to apply to some sort of animation or media production company and work through experience. I know my knowledge is a little broad based but possible this fellowship can help channel some more areas of foccus. However, while I was thinking about it, I would like to go into more into the production process. My work tends to be narrative based, so it would be great to work a studio that develops animations or commercial work.

For the fellowship, I would like to travel to Europe to focus my energy on learning the animation industry. I imagine to work in visual production, or maybe concept art to help develop my skills and help learn more about working in an animation enviroment. In a way, it sounds like an internship but I view as more so a way gaining a foundation. I mean if they are willing to teach me than I am willing to learn.

Here some of places I'd like to go. Smaller independent animation places would be more ideal than the larger companies but the links below are just to get a general idea.

London (they have a lot of small independent studios)
Hungary (studio Vargas)
France (they are pretty well known for their intricate animations)

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