Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Meeting with Gadsby

Took Place: Sep 21, 2011

My meeting with Gadsby was pretty informative. She really stressed the importance of
internships before I graduate. I originally thought there many options for animation/
digital media majors for internships, however I was proven wrong. The one that really stood out the most was working for wmc-tv in the graphic departments. I never had a general idea of what kind of job I wanted but the idea of working for a news station sounds pretty interesting.She also gave me helpful feedback of resumes and how to call people for questions, etc. Overall the meeting really helped step forward towards figuring out what I want to do.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Artist Lecture #1: Howard Rosenman

Howard Rosenman's lecture was in a sense overwhelming. A lot of the information that was given did help me realize how important an pitch and an elevator line was. I never really thought of how much effort it takes just to come up with a simple one sentence summary. And also that a simple elevator line, tone, and theme helps you finalize and even improve an idea. Also the idea of using source material to come up with a story was an interesting idea. In addition to that his lecture also made me realize how important the smaller jobs in movie production are. Usually when you look at credit the most important people are the producer and directors.Followed by fancy a title card. But the smaller jobs such as location finder helps make the entire process run smoothly. That many people have such a large impact. It makes me want to stick around when the credits of a movie start. In the end, Howard Rosenman's lecture was very informative.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Pitch Updated

Elevator Line: Theresa is determined to win on an epic vacation, however her co-worker Bridgette does whatever that is in her power to stop Theresa from winning anything.

Themes: Jealousy, overcoming of obstacles, and good vs evil

Tone and Execution: quick paced and humorous, a dreary environment to bring
out the character

Objective: To show how to overcome obstacles in order to make a goal or dream a reality.

Synopsis:Theresa dreams one day of leaving her mundane secretary job in hopes of a little relaxation.Conveniently, the publishing company that Theresa is working for, is offering an expenses paid trip to a sister company in California. However the trip reserved only for people who are considered "hard-workers" and valuable assets to the company. In order to show
her own worth, Theresa starts to take on more jobs and extra work. However all of Theresa's handwork goes askew,Theresa's main competitor starts to play dirty and sabatooge all of Theresa work. Through sheer determination and a little luck, Theresa is forced to contend with and overcome all of the obstacles that Bridgette puts in her way. Ultimately it is Theresa that gains favor.

Character Designs and Enviroment

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Demo and Job Reviews

After going through different demo reels, there are a couple of attributes that they all differ from. One of which is timing and arrangement. I noticed that many of the demo reels (especially the 3D ones) tend to be bit longer. Although it does makes sense to show detail,is it necessary after 3 minutes? Also it seems that transitions and title cards are useful in a sense. Some showed what type of work is shown just by the title cards, however I dont think this should be used all the time. It distracts the viewer a little. Music is also an issue. On some demo reels I felt as if the creator of the reel was just using music from their own personal collection. Sometimes the music became a little distracting, As a final note, I noticed that many of the creators of different reels had the tendency to post the info at the beginning of the reel. Which makes me think of how much information is needed for a demo reel? Is address required in demo reels or just the e-mail or even just the number?


After looking at everyone else's job links it makes me start to think about what exactly type of media job do I want. Some jobs are specific for what kind of person they want, whereas other are more broad. This confuses. It makes me feel a little overwhelm in trying to figure what I want to look for exactly. Though, overall the jobs that were linked, makes me want to aim high but be realistic about the job search. Im not entirely sure what i am qualified.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Pitch Revision

Elevator Line: Theresa has a goal or desire to win an expenses paid vacation but how she achieves it is what ultimately causes her to question her own morale.

Characters: Theresa and Bridgette
Theresa is the overlooked worker, while her competitor, Bridgette is the one has constant recognition and awards.

Setting: Large Office Building, with two secretary desk off to the side.

Theme: Jealousy, Personal Growth, Consequences of actions, ambition

Tone and Execution:
quick paced story, slightly light hearted,

Enviroment: Large company
slightly depressing environment
not very lively

Synopsis: Theresa dreams one day of leaving her mundane secretary job in hopes of acheiving her ultimate dream of becoming a traveling photo-journalist. In order to jumpstart her dream she needs some sort of opportunity. Conveniently, the publishing company that she is working for is offering an expenses paid trip to London to visit a sister company. However the trip is only for people who are deemed "the hardest working" employee. In order to show her worth Theresa does takes on more jobs and does extra work. However, this does not seem enough compared to her main competitor, Bridgette. So in order to make herself look good Theresa does whatever she can to sabotage her competitor. Each time Theresa tries to sabotage Bridgette it always ends in Bridgette's favor. As a last result, Theresa through her final sabotage attempt manages to get Bridgette in trouble. Theresa ultimately becomes victorious and wins the vacation. However she starts to realize that her small tactics had a worse impact than she anticipated. And once she realizes what she has done she gives the vacation to the competitor.

Objective: To show that anyone can achieve a personal and moral growth regardless of actions

Demo Reels and Resources

Overall with the demo reels, I noticed all of which focused on particular themes. What they were aiming for was very clear. In the first demo reel in felt as if i was watching a larger storyline or a animation, not a demo reel. The second one made me focus in on the effects via the use of visual negative space. The third one was one I chose because it was a demo reel for a dvd but instead of just showing the interface, this person just animated everything, She manged to bring life to her designs.


(type of job I would like) (mult-media type job)

Pitch Review

My two out of class sources (Shane and Meredith) both provided and gave some interesting feedback. Collectively their feedback was for me to focus more and a little specific about my characters. They also want to know more about what kind of job that the character was going to have. I was also suggested to trim down my idea and focus one set area of morale or what im trying to say with this project. Overall the feedback helped me develop my idea a little bit better.